Monday, January 05, 2009

A new year with new experiences...

So, I have decided to take a page from Chelle's book and copy her post regarding the many things she did for the first time in 2008 and outline my goals for 2009.

Yes, I am one of the those people who make new year's resolutions. I love a list, and what better to list than things I hope to accomplish in the next year! These would include:
I think I can handle six goals in the next year. We'll see.

And what about 2008? Well, overall it was a strange year. I did a lot of great things, but I fear that living long distance from Jeff seemed to trump the good times of 2008. Thank goodness that is over with. Here is a list of fabulous things I did for the first time last year:
That is my 2008 in review. I hope that I manage even more firsts in 2009! I also hope that you, my friendly reader, have a marvelous year.

You should leave a comment and let me know one of your firsts from 2008 and one of your goals for 2009. C'mon - don't be lazy :)

"To change the world, start with one step. However small, the first step is hardest of all." - DMB

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